[Zope3-dev] Re: Packaging pre-proposal/notes

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Tue Feb 17 13:36:15 EST 2004

On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 12:17, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> >This is why I suggested the symlink thing, FWIW.  You won't need to run
> >make after any change if packages are symlinked from source into the
> >install tree.  Windows people?  They lose.
> >  
> >
> I'm worried that this will raise the development barrier. If you start 
> needing to cross your symlinks to be able to conveniently develop a Zope 
> 3 extension, that's not very helpful. It's supposed to be easy to 
> develop a Zope 3 extension.

As far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with developing Zope
extensions; this has to do with developing Zope core.  Nobody needs
symlinks to develop Zope extensions (they don't need UNIX, IOW).  They
can just install Zope normally, and change ZCML in place to include
their own packages/products as necessary.  The "tree full of symlinks"
is purely a convenience for Zope core developers who want to be able to
maintain the *core pieces* in the context of a running checkout. 
Extensions writers are not served at all by this.

> Though I guess doing it the Pythonic way would require you to either 
> symlink or re-run setup.py install each time you make a change...

Not on every change, just on any addition or removal of a top-level

- C

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