AW: [Zope3-dev] Re: Can we provide a Zope3 Collective?

Joachim Werner zope at
Fri Jul 2 02:28:34 EDT 2004

> Can we provide a page in where each project, who 
> is outside the zope repos, is described? Like for Zope2 
> (products).

Yes, we need that.

One thing I am also desperately missing for Zope X3 is a detailled roadmap.

We need a feature matrix that clearly shows what's still missing in X3 
and who is planning to implement it by when.

That way as an "end user" I can see if Zope X3 already does what I want 
it to do, and as a potential contributor I see where I can help.

This is an incomplete list of the features I for myself could need 
information about:

- indexing/cataloging
- whatever is going to replace the thing called "ObjectHub"
- generic LDAP adapter
- LDAP authentication
- session support
- fully working WebDAV
- SOAP for Zope

The KDE feature plans are a good example. Though we might make it more 
tabular and have columns for the different releases to indicate what the 
target release for a feature is:

I'm willing to help maintain such a page ...

Another thing we could need is a set of high-level diagrams showing how 
Zope X3 works. This sounds easier than it is. But it would help 
beginners more than a thousand words ...



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