AW: [Zope3-dev] Re: Can we provide a Zope3 Collective?

Joachim Werner zope at
Fri Jul 2 05:07:59 EDT 2004


>> We need a feature matrix that clearly shows what's still missing in X3 
>> and who is planning to implement it by when.

> This is an open source project, so "It depends" and "We don't know", and 
> "it also depends on YOU".

You are preaching to the choir ...

> I see you started with a list of what is missing, which is a useful 
> effort, but unless you're going to commit to doing the work yourself or 
> paying other people for it you're not going to get a complete picture of 
> who is going to do what work when. Such a list could be also called a 
> 'wish list' and that makes it more clear that only Santa Claus is the 
> one who can commit to doing it all and also will say when it's done, 
> namely "Christmas". :).

I thought my posting was pretty clear on this. I said that I'm willing 
to maintain such a list (even though I might not do it TODAY).

I am aware of the problem that to get a missing feature done some money 
or time has to be spent by someone. I really hope that Zope X3 has 
finally reached a state where people start working with it in real-life 
projects with real money involved. Otherwise it might take another 2-3 
years for Zope 3 to be on par with Zope 2 in terms of features (I had, 
naive as I am, thought that X3 would come with equivalents of all the 
stuff that comes in a default Zope 2 install). ;-)

So, no I am not complaining, and I am willing to help.



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