[Zope3-dev] Propose interface change (well not really)

Nicolas Évrard nicoe at altern.org
Wed Jul 7 16:28:13 EDT 2004


While developping on ldapauth, we (Roger Ineichen and me) had some
problems with some part of the pluggable authentication as it is now.

I understand from the README.txt in the pluggableauth directory that
this service is still under development.

The fact is that the SimplePrincipal in this service is implementing the
following interfaces:

    - IUserSchemafied

    - IBTreePrincipalSourceContained

I feel this make too strong assertion about what is a SimplePrincipal.
So here is my porposition : making SimplePrincipal implementing
IPrincipalSourceContained this interface being a marker interface to
specify that the __parent__ must implement IPrincipalSourceContainer.

This way I think SimplePrincipal might be used by any principal source
implementing IPrincipalSourceContainer.

Don't hesitate to point me to errors, ideas or anything that might help
me sorting this out.

(°>  Nicolas Évrard
/ )  Liège - Belgique
^^   Listening to: The Wagon
                   Dinosaur Jr.

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