[Zope3-dev] Workflows

Paolo Invernizzi arathorn at fastwebnet.it
Mon May 3 12:38:24 EDT 2004

The recent check for precondition now raises an InvalidItemType when 
adding the Workflow Manager to the site....

I've seen that Stephan moved some implementation to stateful package, 
but it's not clear to me if workflows are planned for 1.0 release...

If yes, What's the best way to use them? Digging the tests it *seems* to 
me that the only thing to do is to add programmaticaly a manager and a 
StatefulProcessDefinition, but now I'm not sure at all!

Btw... why in the cookbook recipe is necessary to add a folder site? 
Cannot workflows be handled without that step?


Paolo Invernizzi

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