[Zope3-dev] [OT] Re: Siesia: A new UI for Zope 3

Tonico Strasser contact_tonico at yahoo.de
Thu May 6 17:16:56 EDT 2004

Michael Zeltner wrote:

> Am 05.05.2004 um 14:00 schrieb Tonico Strasser:
>> I'm asking because I'm very interested in UI design. IMHO, the 
>> bottleneck is not the server technology it's the clients software. If 
>> browsers would follow the specs, I could create sophisticated UI's 
>> with simple template logic. And in two years we'll (hopefully) see new 
>> technologies on the client side like XForms, XUL or XAML.
> This is a bit OT here, but even the webstandards project thinks browsers 
> are good enough these days to use webstandards seriously. (See 
> http://www.webstandards.org/act/campaign/buc/)

Good enough is relative. At least most of our clients are using browsers 
that are buggy.

 From the BUC:
>  Many, many computers now have browsers with acceptable support for web standards. 

Acceptable is not good enough. I could do my job three or four times 
faster if didn't need to work around bugs all the time ;-)

For me there is no doubt: better client sofware would make life so much 


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