[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.0, and why I won't use it

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 12:40:16 EST 2004

[Lennart Regebro]
>> That could work. It also seems to me that Zope2/3 works fine with the
>> free version of Microsoft C compiler that is available,

[Jim Fulton]
> It does? You know this?
> I've heard that Python itself couldn't work with it, so I assumed
> that Zope wouldn't work with it.

Mike Fletcher has done the most extensive investigation of this I'm
aware of.  See:


for details.  Be acutely aware that every step listed there came into
being because all simpler attempts eventually blew up.  AFAIK Mike has
not tried to build any Zope-related extensions, but did get Numpy,
mxTextTools, and his own (extensive) OpenGL extensions running this
way.  There's a link on that page to a python-dev msg from someone
else who believed they were able to get Python 2.4 running in a
related way.

I haven't tried any of this myself.

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