[Zope3-dev] Fatal Python error: can't initialize module MultiMapping when access "++apidoc++/Class/menu.html"

jameswang jameswang at sidersoft.com
Sun Nov 21 21:24:35 EST 2004

hi, i'm testing the z3. 

After install successfully, I try to access the "Zope 3 API Docs". 
When I click the "Classes" link in the API page, my Zope 3 stop with 
the following message in the console:

2004-11-22T10:19:00 INFO PublisherHTTPServer zope.server.http (HTTP) 

        Hostname: localhost

        Port: 8080


2004-11-22T10:19:00 INFO PublisherFTPServer zope.server.ftp started.

        Hostname: localhost

        Port: 8021


2004-11-22T10:19:00 INFO root Startup time: 8.417 sec real, 5.250 sec 
CPU - zope.manager [22/Nov/2004:10:20:40 +0800] "GET 
/++apidoc++/contents.html HTTP/1.1" 200 7069 
"http://localhost:8080/++apidoc++/modulelist.html" "Mozilla/5.0 
(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 

Fatal Python error: can't initialize module MultiMapping


but the other parts of the API doc, such as 
"Interfaces"/"Services"/"Utilties"/"Presentations"/"ZCML Reference" 
works fine.

my zope is check out from svn trunk

my python version is 2.3.4

can anyone help me? 



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