Make check-outs more like release (Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.0, and why ...

Tim Peters tim.peters at
Mon Nov 22 10:11:43 EST 2004

[Jim Fulton]
> BTW, I think we should make checkouts more like the release.
> It's a pain to give two sets of instructions.  We have to give
> 2 sets anyway, but some of the differences are gratuitous.
> I propose:
> - To rename src to lib/python in the repository

I don't see how this relates to the thread to which it's a reply.  Max
was talking about Windows, and specifically about the instructions at:


The instructions don't mention lib/python, and in a Windows release of
Zope3 there's no lib/python directory either (there is in Zope2, but
not in Zope3 -- unless you're also suggesting to create a lib/python
directory in the Zope3 Windows release?).

The "two sets of instructions" Max was talking about were Linux vs.
Windows, not checkout vs. release.

> - To explain that checkouts *are* different. They are like
>   in-place software installs.  (Though perhaps we could have
>   a working configure that can set the python used by the make
>   file.)  "make" and "make install" would do the same thing,
>   the later remining the user that check outs always build in
>   place.
> - Make instances the normal usage patterns *even* for checkouts.
> I think that this would make it a lot easier to clean up the documentation.
> Thoughts? Volunteers? :)

I don't see how it would simplify the instructions at


Or do you think it would (and how -- offhand I don't see anything in
those instructions that would change)?  Or do you have other
instructions in mind?

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