[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/z Changed the traversal framework to use the more-specific new TraversalError

Brad Bollenbach bradb at bbnet.ca
Tue Oct 26 20:25:04 EDT 2004

On 26-Oct-04, at 6:59 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:

> Log message for revision 28263:
>   Changed the traversal framework to use the more-specific new 
> TraversalError
>   This is part of the long-rand plan to deprecate NotFoundError.

I thought the name we'd arrived at on IRC was TraversalLookupError?! :)

The problems with using the name TraversalError (vs. 
TraversalLookupError) for this are two:

1. It doesn't communicate that this was an error trying to look up a 
name. I think it'll take me longer to figure out what the problem is if 
I see a TraversalError here vs. a TraversalLookupError.

2. TraversalError seems like a general enough name to act as the base 
class for any kind of error that can be raised from traversing an 


Brad Bollenbach

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