[Zope3-dev] More pytz pickling; 'zone' attribute

Gary Poster gary at zope.com
Wed Jul 27 16:15:34 EDT 2005

Hi Stuart.  Hope all is well.

When last we spoke, we got the UTC timezone to be picklable.  I'd  
like to let pytz timezones pickle also (so we can persist a user's  
preferred timezone).  While I could keep the timezone name around,  
I'd prefer to keep the timezone object itself.

Adding a reduce to tzinfo.py's BaseTZInfo, a la

class BaseTzInfo(tzinfo):
     # Overridden in subclass
     _utcoffset = None
     _tzname = None
     zone = None

     def __str__(self):
         return self.zone

     def __reduce__(self):
         return self.__class__.__name__

accomplishes this for all of the included timezones.  It would break  
if someone tried to use the __init__ arguments in DstTzInfo, but grep  
tells me that nothing is doing that right now in the package.

Therefore, I propose the following:

- add a __reduce__ as shown above

- eliminate the __init__ arguments in DstTzInfo since they are not  
used and would break pickling if they were

- document and test the contract that the timezones may be pickled,  
and that loading the pickle returns the same original instance (i.e.,  
it's a singleton)

On a somewhat unrelated note, I noticed that dst() and tzname() were  
not implemented per the standard library's spec; upon reflection, I  
decided that this might be because the Olson database made this  
difficult or impossible.  Feel free to clarify or not; the point is  
that I would like to use a name for the timezone, and the 'zone'  
attribute seems to do enough what I want, even though it is not  
daylight-savings aware.

Therefore I further propose that the zone attribute be exposed in  
docs as a reliable attribute of the pytz timezones, and the key  
through which it is accessible from pytz.timezone.

If that is a contract, BaseTZInfo's __reduce__ could instead

     return pytz.timezone, (self.zone)

, which might be more forward compatible (and not require DstTzInfo's  
__init__ signature to change).




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