[Zope3-dev] status of zc.page?

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Thu Jun 16 06:09:14 EDT 2005

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:


>> We have some concerns though:
>> * the snapshot is probably aging as bugs get discovered and fixed in 
>> your repository. Could you perhaps update the snapshot?
> Sure.

Okay, cool!

>> * it requires Python 2.4.1. Zope 3.1 to my knowledge is targetting 
>> Python 2.3. It looks like it's fairly easy to rewrite the few 
>> decorators that are in the package itself so they work with Python 2.3 
>> instead, but we don't want to maintain our own fork. Obviously we want 
>> to use this with Zope 3.1. Am I mistaken about the Python version 
>> targetted by Zope 3.1?
> No.  It supports Python 2.4 though.

Ah, I didn't realize that this was the case. We should make sure that's 
announced when the 3.1 release is done.

>  > I'm rather confused that you're apparently using Python 2.4.1 for
>> internal Zope 3 projects.
> Why?  Python 2.4 makes some things more convenient.

Sure, but I thought that Zope 3.1 only supported Python 2.3, not 2.4, so 
this was my first hint that Zope 3.1 actually is also aimed at 
supporting (but not requiring) Python 2.4.

> In partcicular, I really have come to like the new features in Zope 3.1
> that let us declare adapted interfaces and to declare provided
> implemented interfaces for functions.  The decorator syntax makes this
> more readable.
> Still, of course, for the bits we open source, I guess we are going to have
> to port back to 2.3.  We're happy to do this if people start using zc.page.
> We've gotten almost no feedback up until now.

Well, there's no need if we just say that this bit requires a Zope 3.1 
running Python 2.4; why create extra work for ourselves? I just didn't 
realize that using Python 2.4 was possible or recommended, but since 
you're doing it on a project I guess there's no objection to doing so 
with our project either.



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