[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope X3.1 Feature Freeze

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 12:20:16 EST 2005

[Martijn Faassen]
> Understood. Anyway, I was never doubting the technical reason to do
> this makes sense, but this is an artifact of the long delay before the
> release happened; if the release had been a year ago, building it on
> ZODB 3.3 would've been fine. :)

Actually <wink>, it wouldn't have been, and that's another reason to
move to 3.4.  3.3 had many crucial fundamental bugs, and most were
discovered by me "by eyeball", carefully reviewing newer code and
adding new tests, not discovered in the field or revealed by bug
reports.  This told me that the "standalone" ZODB 3.3 was barely being

OTOH, Zope3 has been using an in-development snapshot of ZODB 3.4 for
quite a while, and I _know_ people are running real projects off Zope3
trunk.  So 3.4 is the only version of ZODB > 3.2 I have good reason to
believe is actually being used.

> Anyway, the amalgated "oh, wait, we still need this and that to happen",
> which included the ZODB release, turned out to be rather frustrating.

I believe that.  There's knowledge of what's needed to release 2.8
inside ZC that hasn't been effectively communicated (e.g., the ZODB
plans weren't a surprise to Jim or me -- but they may well have been
to everyone else on Earth).

OTOH, since nobody outside ZC appeared to be paying any attention to
2.8 for such a long time, I'm not sure how it could have been
communicated -- there didn't appear to be an audience for it.

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