[Zope3-dev] Re: ZopeTop skin

Paul Everitt paul at zope-europe.org
Tue Mar 22 10:26:08 EST 2005

Roger Ineichen wrote:

> Cool, that good news.
> I like to add the xmltree back to the new skin after 3.1.

Is that a final decision?  Meaning, if the bugs are fixed, it will still 
not ship as the default tree in 3.1?

If so, my motivation for fixing bugs in soon-to-be-stripped-out software 
is rather low. :^)

> We will add a option where we can select between the 
> two trees in the ZMI (TTW).
> Right now the target was, that the ZMI works in every browser!

That's new information.  Rotterdam was based on a different decision, 
made long ago.

I don't mind if that decision is now made, and the original decision is 
overturned.  I just want someone with the right authority to communicate 
the decision.


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