[Zope3-dev] Yet Another Relations (aka Reference) Engine...

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Fri Nov 11 12:00:57 EST 2005

Helmut Merz wrote:

>Am Freitag, 11. November 2005 16:11 schrieb Jean-Marc Orliaguet:
>>Hi Helmut!
>Hi Jean-Marc,
>thanks for your remarks,
>just before going into more detail: My primary concern was the 
>API - it would really fine if there could be a simple (as simple 
>as possible but not simpler) standard set of (low-level) 
>interfaces on which to build (defining semantically richer 
>interfaces) and for which to provide implementations (depending 
>on the needs of the application).
>The implementation with the catalog should serve as a (again 
>fairly simple but working) example and a proof of concept; I 
>think I would be just lucky if it would show up as really 
>useful ;-) (but maybe...)


a common interface could be useful indeed.

>>I can tell you about the design decisions made in the case of
>>the relation tool included in CPSSkins. They don't necessarily
>>appear in the code itself in an obvious way.
>>1) separate storage from storage policy
>>the relation storage stores what it is told to store, as long
>>as the objects are Relatable they can be stored. The storage
>>policy (using unique ids or not, etc..) is the responsibility
>>of the application itself. To impose a unique id policy when
>>storing elements would be a mistake in my opinion (in the case
>>of cpsskins it wouln't work either).
>The only prerequisite for using the IntIds utility is that the 
>objects are persistent (provide IPersistent). If one wants to 
>relate objects that are not persistent or have relations that 
>for some reason can't be persistent you can't use the catalog 
>approach because the catalog depends on IntIds.
>So the catalog-based implementation won't be usable for relations 
>between in-memory objects (like views, adapters and related 
>stuff), that's true.

I was thinking more about the policy of assigning unique ids to objects
in a relation. It's the application that really should decide about that

>>2) keep the relation storage index as small as possible.
>>Do not index predicates, the same predicates are used in too
>>many relations, the size of the index ould just increase
>>dramatically. Instead only index the elements that are inside
>>the relation, the chances that the same elements are related
>>in many different ways are very low.
>>    cf.
>I read this, and it indeed gave me the impression that it might 
>be a not so bad idea to use a catalog ;-)

well, you haven't written the catalog indexes yet :-)

And Lennart wrote a piece about the kinds of problems you'll run into if
you don't optimize them for relations. You'll end up with intersections
of huge sets:

>>    I don't know about using the zc.catalog for indexing
>>relations, you could end up in huge indexes and very slow
>This is one of my concerns, too, but I'm fairly optimistic: the 
>catalog indexes store a common string to be indexed only once, 
>so having identical ; I'm working with the Archetypes reference 
>engine (that uses - at least in this respect - the same kind of 
>catalog indexes) in situations with many thousands of objects 
>and didn't get problems of this kind.
By looking at the code, Archetypes does not store relations, it stores
'references' (and backward references) which consist in a target object
and a predicate ('relationship') in the objects themselves . I guess
that objects are indexed in the catalog. So the relation is stored
implicitly but there is no explicit relation object to start with. So
the model is a bit different I guess.

>>3) don't make the API for querying the storage be too
>The query() method using the catalog's searchResults() / apply() 
>methods was the dumbest one I could thing of ;-)
>> to create complex queries, create complex predicates instead,
>>   - predicates that combine several predicates
>>   - proxy predicates (when the predicate is evaluated at
>>runtime and a method is specifed instead)
>>    cf
>>    if you need to do really complex queries, do several
>>queries and filter out the results afterwards  in you
>>application unless you're fine with ending up with a huge
>>catalog index.
>To be honest, I never thought about complex queries as I just 
>want to find e.g. the subtasks of a task and the resources 
>allocated to it - maybe my use case is just somewhat simple.
>OTOH: An advantage of using a catalog are the - as I think - 
>fairly efficient set operations on search results for the 
This opens the door to a combinational explosion. The number of
relations between objects literally explodes unless you carefully choose
the relation predicates. The catalog won't help unless you have very
carefully designed indexes I guess.


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