[Zope3-dev] event before delete

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Mon Sep 26 13:58:46 EDT 2005

More generally, there's a difference in philosophy between Zope 2 and
Zope 3 here:

- Zope 2 calls manage_beforeDelete *before* the removal,
- Zope 3 sends IObjectRemovedEvent *after* the removal.

This will make some porting / compatibility more difficult. I may add an
IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent in Five for that, but maybe it makes sense to
have it in pure Zope 3 ?


Florent Guillaume  <fg at nuxeo.com> wrote:
> Zope 2, when it copies/moves an object, calls ob._notifyOfCopyTo to  
> allow it to veto the copy *before* it is done if it doesn't like the  
> destination container.
> In Zope 3, is it worthwhile to have a kind of ObjectWillBeCopied/ 
> Added event for that, or do you guys feel that this kind of vetoing  
> should be done by simply subscribing to ObjectAddedEvent or one of  
> its friends?
> I'm asking because I'm in the middle of converting Zope 2's OFS  
> spaghettis to cleaner event-based code (and deprecating things like  
> _notifyOfCopyTo and _postCopy).

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   fg at nuxeo.com

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