[Zope3-dev] Re: 'layer' vs. 'type'

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Sep 18 10:05:24 EDT 2006

> I wasn't sure about the layer to type renaming myself. Plus, it
> would've been one of those "janitorial changes" that just weren't
> worth it.  That's why I didn't do it.

It looks like the process has already started.  Should things
like these be reverted then (zope.app.component.metadirectives):

  class IBasicResourceInformation(zope.interface.Interface):
      Basic information for resources

    type = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
        title=_("Request type"),


  class IResourceDirective(IBasicComponentInformation,
      """Register a resource"""
      # BBB 2006/02/18, to be removed after 12 months
      layer = LayerField(
          title=_("The layer the resource is in.  This argument has been "
                  "deprecated and will be removed in Zope 3.5.  Use the "
                  "'type' argument instead."),


  class IBasicViewInformation(zope.interface.Interface):
      """This is the basic information for all views."""


    # BBB 2006/02/18, to be removed after 12 months
    layer = LayerField(
        title=_("The layer the view is in."),

        A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin
        specific views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer'
        attribute is not supplied, it defaults to 'default'."""),

Gustavo Niemeyer

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