[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 without ZODB

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Sat Jan 20 15:12:37 EST 2007

Jim Fulton wrote:
> I would *much* rather see us open this up by making this part of Zope 3 
> more modular and putting more emphasis on explaining what is going on 
> and how one would do something different.

big +1 from me...

> Here's what I'd like to see:
> 1. Separate server definition from application definition.  They are way 
> too interwoven now.  I'd like to see us move to Paste Deploy (or 
> something based on the framework it defines).

Is this the seperation of "what objects are being served" from "what 
protocols are being served" that I mentioned in my other reply?

In my dreams, it'd be great if I could just wire in a different 
IApplication utility to get the root of the object tree and just leave 
the zodb section of zope.conf empty. How hard would that be to achieve?

(the 2nd bit of it is important, I don't want zodbs opened, especially 
if they're never going to get used)

> 2. Document how to use the zope.publisher framework to define web 
> applications.  It isn't very complicated, it just needs some 
> documentation.  I made a beginning of of this in my aborted bobo 
> project.  A good start for examples would be a hello-world app, the 
> existing zope 3 app, and, I assume, Grok.

Yes, I'm curious about Grok too here, I hope someone who knows from that 
project will pipe up. Would the hello-world app be akin to the stuff I 
was nosing around in zope.app.appsetup?



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