[Zope3-dev] RFC: zopeproject

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Wed Jul 18 12:07:01 EDT 2007

On 18 Jul 2007, at 11:22 , Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
> - Please carefully weight boilerplate code against "black magic":  
> For newbies,
> the generated code should on one hand be easily understandable,  
> which means
> that there is no code in it that requires deep understandings of Zope3
> internals. On the other hand, black magic should be avoided, as such
> constructs are pitfalls later on.

Have you actually taken a look at the boilerplate (application.py  
specifically)? It's very little IMO. I suppose it could use a few  
more comments, but even now I think it's pretty clear what it does.  
If not, we need to document it better or change it. This is why I  
wanted you guys to check this out.

> - If I understand this right, this is also a "server-centric"
> against "application-centric" issue. In your case, it's probably  
> easier to
> get a single Zope3-based application running, but will it also be  
> easy to
> instantiate a Zope3 server with multiple, different applications on  
> it?

Running multiple different applications within one process is not my  
goal. It's also very difficult to do due to the global state that we  
keep in our component registries (different apps will likely conflict).

If I would want to support this at all, I would probably recommend  
creating two entirely separate WSGI applications which would be  
mounted to specific URL paths using PasteDeploy's composite-app. It  
is already possible, for example, to run a Zope app and a TurboGears2  
app within the same server process.

> - Please don't forget about Grok in this approach, as the  
> simplicity of Grok
> fits to a fast zope3 package setup. Perhaps a "zopeproject --grok"  
> would be a
> good idea.

zopeproject is heavily influenced by grokproject. In fact, I have a  
branch of grokproject that re-uses most of zopeproject's facilities  
(I have posted a message to the Grok list announcing this branch a  
few days ago already). I don't think we'll have to let grokproject  
die in favour of zopeproject. grokrpoject will simply be a small shim  
over zopeproject.

> - How much work is it to implement this and how do you estimate the  
> timeline?

Not sure whether I was being imprecise or whether you simply haven't  
read it all, but all of this is already implemented and fully  
functional. I actually want you guys to *try it out* for feedback.

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