[Zope3-dev] tracking satellite project's trunks

Fred Drake fdrake at gmail.com
Thu May 3 12:08:49 EDT 2007

On 5/3/07, Christian Theune <ct at gocept.com> wrote:
> I started moving packages to their own projects (manually right now,
> preparing for doing this scripted) and noticed that zope.index is
> tracked with a specific revision number.
> My understanding is that the trunk of the Zope 3 tree should be tracking
> the trunk of the satellite project's tree without pinning it to a
> revision.

Probably my fault; I've become really wary of externals that aren't specific.

Frankly, I don't *really* care how the Zope 3 tree refers to satellite
projects.  My hope is that I can very quickly get away from ever
looking at the Zope 3 conglomeration (checkout or release), and only
use the satellite projects.

Conversely, I care very much about the satellite projects not
referring to the Zope 3 tree, and look forward to what you're working
on today.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written." --Henry Miller

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