[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.error is a 3.5 egg, but is needed by 3.4.x releases

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Fri Oct 5 13:55:07 EDT 2007

Fred Drake wrote:
> On 10/5/07, Martijn Faassen <faassen at startifact.com> wrote:
>> zope.error is a 3.5 egg, but is needed by 3.4.x releases. I guess this
>> also happened because large package refactorings happened and were
>> released as 3.4.x releases. It's pretty bizarre to run into, though.
> It's only bizarre if the satellite package versions have semantics
> relative to the Zope 3 version.  They don't, fortunately.

I consider it bizarre that an egg that was in alpha or beta for half a 
year suddenly, in its final release, is starting to depend on an 
entirely new package!

> For many of us, we don't even have to think about a Zope 3 version any
> more, and we like it that way.  ;-)

Grok will pick up the balls Zope 3 dropped here. We actually care about 
a Grok version as it's the main way to get people to actually use Zope 3 

We noticed this while we were going through egg dependencies by the way, 
not "using a Zope 3 version".

We've worked with eggs for a few months now, with Grok. I can report 
that I believe the egg situation is currently massively unusable for 
almost all Zope 3 users except, from now on, Grok users, as two people 
spent half the week in resolving this problem and figuring out which 
eggs to use for what. I think the traffic on this mailing list the last 
weeks is plenty of evidence that non-Grok users have had very similar 

Anyway, I personally don't care much that Zope 3.4 is unusuable without 
a massive investment in time sorting through eggs, as we have fixed the 
problem with Grok. If non-Grok users are interested in our fixes, please 
let us know though. We've just made this massive investment. I'd suggest 
people to switch to Grok anyway, as we actually think about this stuff 
and care about having our house in order.



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