[ZODB-Dev] Mounted Storage and ClassFactory problems

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Thu, 23 May 2002 16:58:02 -0400

J=FAlio Dinis Silva wrote:
> But now I have another problem: when I mount with externalmount my=20
> subdata.fs with my zclass instances the mount have some problems, i.e,
> some objects are "not in a sane state", I access them I dont see some=20
> tabs for propertysheets, but with other instances this doesnt happens.
> It his a very strange error, and I can see in Debug lots of a
> 'None' object has no attribute Load
> error. I Know this is a long living error for some months.

Like Toby said, the latest CVS should give you more diagnostic info.  I=20
can't think of a way this could still happen with the current code.
