[ZODB-Dev] What are the ZopeDB limit?

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Mon Aug 25 10:35:41 EDT 2003

--On Montag, 25. August 2003 9:26 Uhr +0200 Michele Bendazzoli 
<mickymouse at mickymouse.it> wrote:

> p.s. Is there any future planning of integrating the power of postgresql
> directly in the zopedb? Now that postgresql seems to become a very
> independent platform database (with a native windows port) maybe can be
> considered by the zopedb developers as solid ground to store the objects
> managed by zope.

You can already store Zope objects in a RDBMS. There is already 
and a wrapper for Berkley DB. You might also looks at Shane's APE product.


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