[Zope] zope performance issues

Trevor Warren trevorwarren at yahoo.com
Wed May 19 00:08:14 EDT 2004

Hello John,

--- John Ziniti <jziniti at speakeasy.net> wrote:
> >>>Caching of Objects in Zope
> Check out RAMCacheManager.  It is a basic cache
> Product
> that comes with Zope.  You can also use a seperate
> caching proxy like squid.

 At this point of time i am not allowed to perform any
tests using tools/plugins other than those that fit
into the application server under test. I need to
check out RAMCacheManager.

 Any idea on how effective the same is. As in approx
what will be the percentage increase in Transactions
Per Second with RAMCacheManager on???.

> >>>Dynamic Thread Management Features in Zope

 I meant the capability to manage the pool of threads
with visual representation of the thread usage in real
time. Weblogic/Websphere provide for the same. 

 Some very arcane thread pool management is available
through the zope.cong file but i am very sure a lot
more fine tuning is possible.  Any comments on this
one john???.

> >>>Shared pool connection management for SQL queries
> This will be handled by the particular database
> adapter
> that you are using, so you will have to evaluate
> them ...


> >>>Monitoring of current instance 
> /Control_Panel/Database/Activity will have
> information
> on the current activity.  If you use
> RAMCacheManager,
> it will also have information about cache hits on
> cached objects.

 Fantastics. Lemme configure RAMCacheManager and
revert  back with increase/decrease in performance.

> >>>Capability to pump test load across numerous Zope
> Multiple ZEO clients connecting to a single backend
> storage server.  Use LVS

 ZEO yes...but i want the push the vanilla setup to
the max before i get onto ZEO. Infact i am yet to
educate myself on that front. am just reading up.

> (http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/)
> to balance requests between them if you are on
> Linux.

 My whole test env is Gnu/Linux. But again no other
plugins other than those that fit directly into Zope.

 Thanks John. You were really helpful. I will revert
back with the results.


> HTH,
> John Ziniti
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