[Zope3-dev] DISCUSS: Designing for debuggability

Paul Everitt paul@zope.com
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 17:17:39 -0500

Shane Hathaway wrote:

> We could use some ideas for a debugging UI.  The big question is whether 
> the debugger would be driven by the browser or by a Zope IDE.

*If* I wasn't on thin ice, here's the next steps that I'd propose.

First, I'd break the problem into its parts:

   o What kind of debugging information needs to be collected?

   o How will product developers ensure that their products can be debugged?

   o How does the debugging information get collected?  How do you make 
sure that customers/users are able to easily and accurately collect info 
on machines that you might not be able to access until the poop really 
hits the fan?

   o How does this collecting service configure the parameters for 
collecting (e.g. turning on/off, isolating to particular 
circumstances/levels)?  How does ZEO play into this?

   o Where does the collected debugging info get sent?

   o How will tools then collect and display/report this info?

   o To wrap all this into end-to-end scenarios, what are five 
particularly egregious debugging situations to analyze, based on 
real-world experience over the last year?

To address your point, a Python prompt combined with ZEO might be the 
ultimate debugging interface -- provided that you can easily step into 
and recreate a problem that just happened.
