[Zope3-dev] More name game suggestions

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 00:37:06 +0100

From: "Phillip J. Eby" <pje@telecommunity.com>
> So what if what you want is to adapt something to another interface?

Then the feature that you add are an adapter. Thats not a problem. When you
use a mode of transprtation, that may be a car, or a train or a bus. There
is no need to call all modes of transportations for "cars" just because many
modes of transportation are cars.

> Even the IPostal thing in the tutorial seemed to me like interface
> adaptation.  "I have some object, I need thing-that-does-X, so give me an
> implementation of interface X for this object."

An implementation of an interface is not an adapter. An adapter is an object
that makes object A talk to object B. Nothing more. Is that what "features"
of Zope3 does? If so, it does not fit my understanding of them.

After using a thesaurus, starting with the word "Decorator" (since it fits
my understanding of features best of the patterns in GoF) I hereby propose
the following words: Attire, Apparel, Garb, Legerdemain, Dodge, Tooling,
Tinsel, Braid, and my favourite: Spangle!

Why Spangle? Because it's short, it's unique and to most people, it means
absolutely nothing! :-)

//Lennart now firmly putting his fot down without having any authority to
put behind it. :-) (I'm getting silly, I should go to bed).