[Zope3-dev] Stability of Zope-3x-branch

Lalo Martins lalo@laranja.org
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 14:17:41 -0300

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 08:14:48AM +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi,
> With all the recent BTrees fun and games I'm wondering if it's worth treating the
> Zope-3x-branch like the HEAD and keeping stuff off it until all tests pass (preferably on
> Windows and *nix ;-)

The Zope3x-branch is not the HEAD just because of a technical
detail of ZC's CVS setup. IMHO it *should* be treated like the
HEAD for all other purposes.

Stated in other words: in practice, it *is* the HEAD of
the Zope3 project. The fact that CVS thinks it is a branch of
the Zope2 project is not relevant for purposes of testing.

  It doesn't bother me that people say things like
   "you'll never get anywhere with this attitude".
   In a few decades, it will make a good paragraph
      in my biography. You know, for a laugh.
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