[Zope3-dev] Offer to Help Write User Documentation/Tutorials

Gary Poster Gary Poster" <garyposter@earthlink.net
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 18:25:21 -0500

From: "Jim Fulton" <jim@zope.com>
> I hacked up an offspringpp page that provides a page-specific
> table-of-contents list that has links to printable pages. I also
> removed some cruft from the printable pages. The result should be
> much more slurpable.  For example, check out:
> or:

Great.  Usable now, and if one could add "?pp=1" to the end of all links in
the printable pages then we would have an eminently slurpable package--both
for Acrobat and, yes, iSilo. :-)

Would that be possible/easy?

Either way, my itch is largely scratched: I can point iSilo or Acrobat or
wget at the offspringpp page, specify one level only, and go to town.  Is
anyone dying for me to tackle Jim's original idea of writing an Acrobat
generator of wiki content?  It does sound fun, and I need to tackle pdf
generation one of these days, but I do have other things to do if everyone
else is fine with the offspringpp solution. :-)

Thanks, all.
