[Zope3-dev] .App+

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 09:19:03 -0500

>>>>> "SA" == Steve Alexander <steve@cat-box.net> writes:

    SA> I'm +0 on the .App+ syntax over the .App. syntax.

    SA> However, I'd like only one way to be chosen. I don't see why
    SA> we need two ways of saying "the last name is repeated as many
    SA> times as necessary".

I completely agree: TOOWTDI.

For me, .App. just looks like an error.  It's close enough to Python
to be familiar, but far enough to be jarring.  .App+ at least harkens
to regular expressions, or shell globbing, etc. and at the very least,
doesn't look like broken Python.

BTW, my first suggestion was .App... (ellipsis) but Jim hated that. ;)
