[Zope3-dev] service names

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:07:59 -0500

Gary Poster wrote:
> Steve and I were talking about the overlap between "event as calendar 
> event" and "event as system signal event", and thus the possibility of 
> SignalPublication and SignalSubscription.  I'd personally prefer to wait 
> for his discussion or for Jim's proclamation.

Hmm, I like "event" much better, FWIW.  The potential for clash with 
"calendar events" seems higher in GUI-land, yet all GUI toolkits 
continue to use the word "event".  Unix culture thinks of signals as 
extremely minimal information--single bits with no queue, in fact. 
Events are much more than that.

> I don't mind ErrorCollection much, but prefer ErrorReports fwiw.


> It would be a good thing.  However, I agree with your basic premise that 
> merely moving the variable locations might be the right thing to do for 
> now.  We can have further name discussions later, and do the larger bit 
> of work (fixing all the code that requires the names so that it uses the 
> variables instead, making sure they are the right names, and so on) that 
> it will require then.

Maybe this is an opportunity to start working on a migration service. 
Migration services are relatively simple components with a button to 
migrate all old data within a site to a new format.
