[Zope3-dev] Re: Better access to APIs in paths (was Re:needingviewsclues - template/title troubles)

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 11:07:30 +0200

> So if we don't allow explicit namespaces, the proposed syntax will be 
> good enough for accessing APIs, but not quite right for accessing 
> arbitrary metadata.  I can live with that, but that's just not what I 
> intended.

How about allowing both explicit namespaces, and groups of namespaces 
common to a project.

   <body talns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">

     <p>Here, I can talk about the Dublin Core title:
        <em tal:content="context/dc:title">.</p>

     <div tal:use-namespaces="zope">

       <p>Here, I can use a whole bunch of tal namespaces
       that are declared as being a standard part of zope.</p>

       <p>This is equivalent to declaring all of:</p>

     <div tal:use-namespaces="plone">
       <p>Here, I can use a whloe bunch of tal namespaces that are
       declared as being a standard part of plone.

Steve Alexander