[Zope3-dev] Re: Make check-outs more like release

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Mon Nov 29 11:07:41 EST 2004

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Stephan Richter wrote:
>> Another good reason against moving to lib/python is that there are two 
>> books out there that document the current way.
> 2 books out where?
> I'm confused. Having packages in lib/python *is* the current way for
> releases.  Surely the books document how to use releases. Are you saying
> that the books document releases *and* the repository layout?

My book only ever documents the releases. And it doesn't really need to 
describe the layout of a Zope software installation. Describing what 
instances look like is far more important.

>> BTW, the same is true for Windows
>> binary releases. We are now stuck making these type of binary releases.
> How are we stuck?
> I'm sorry, but, while supporting the books is an important goal,
> I can't accept that the what's written in books is going to
> prevent changes if we feel there is a good reason to make them.

I agree a lot. Also, if 'src' is documented in books, it only affects a 
minority group of users. I trust these people are deep enough into the 
matter that they can figure it out themselves.

I'm all +1 on moving 'src' to 'lib/python' in the repo and requiring 
instances. It allows us to get rid of a lot of annoying cruft in the 
Zope3/ root directory and has the consequence that our software 
(especially utilities that go into 'bin/') gets tested from an instance 
point of view; this point of view is the one that software will run 
under 99% of the time in production.


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