[Zope3-dev] Release numbering

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Wed Apr 20 14:09:28 EDT 2005

Jim Fulton wrote:
> 2. The X in Zope 3X means that there is not yet support for
>    Zope 2 transition.  It's about setting expectations.

But we're setting the expectation that one day there will be a version 
of Zope 3 that supports Zope 2. Is this a realistic expectation? Stephan 
doesn't seem to think so, for one.

>    I'm OK with dropping the X is someone else wants to manage
>    this communication another way, but I'd rather not drop it.

You could just say "Zope 3 is not compatible with Zope 2". After all, 
it's not like the X says this very much either. This is not really 
unprecedented for development platforms. Perhaps the other way to go 
about is to rename Zope 3 to something else entirely. :)

>    When we do finally have a story for transitioning Zope 2
>    apps to Zope 3:
>    a) we will not renumber

Sounds good.

>    b) We don't know the nature of that transition support, so
>       we should not worry now about whether it will clutter
>       anything.

I agree with that.

> 3. If I have anything to say about it, there will never be a Zope 4. :)

It just depends on how you count feature releases; for marketing reasons 
you might want to call a significant feature advance Zope 4. If Zope 4 
means a total rewrite from scratch, then please noooooh.

> 4. I'm OK with dropping the extra 3 in the release names.  IMO
>    either Zope X3.1.0 or Zope 3.0.1 are fine.

Glad to see that.



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